Cold Laser LLLT Powerful Pain Relief Low Level Laser Light Therapy Device. Welcome to the Accord Medical Products. Thank you for visiting MedicalHealthBazzar.
We have hundreds of satisfied customers across the globe and We reassure you that what you have chosen is right. Low Level Laser Therapy for Physiotherapy. Laser type : Semiconductor laser/ GaAlAs.
Advanced Software with 45 PRG. Conditions for which acupuncture is indicated. LASER THERAPY (HOT & COLD) WITH 2 PROBES. 685nm - 100 mW pointed & DIOD LASER.
27cm x 25cm x 9cm. 1 Machine; 1Probe Single Pointer; 1 Probe 19LED ; 2 goggles ; 1 Carry Briefcase ; 2 lock keys. + 1 Probe testing Program. Mains voltage : 110V/220V, 50 or 60 Hz. IR 685nm - 100 mW pointed Probe : 01 No. Diod Probe 19 LED - 1 No. Order safe item from us. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. NOTE- The Voltage and Socket will be provided as per country from where we have received the order. Which reach to customer within 6-10 days. You pay us what you see on the invoice, i. We will make you sure that you will receive the product in. Is important for us to grow our business on. So please do leave feedback.