For Acne Pain Management Cosmetic Regeneration Resolving Viral and Bacterial Infections Diabetic wound healing Nerve Regeneration. Dermatological Conditions Rheumatic Conditions Degenerative Joint Disease Post-Traumatic and Post-Operative Conditions Rheumatoid Arthritis Conditions for which acupuncture is indicated. Laser type : Semiconductor laser/Ga Al As Laser probe : 685nm - 100 mW pointed (module) Treatment time : 0 - 60 mins Treatment Time : 0-99 minutes Pulse Frequency : 9 steps 10 Hz to 5KHz Sweep : 10 Hz to 5 KHz Pulse width : 100 us nominal. Mains voltage : 110V/220V, 50 or 60 Hz.
IR 685nm - 100 mW pointed Probe : 01 No.