1 pain relief, Knee arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Athletic system injuries, Soft tissue injuries. 2 Diminish inflammations, Wounds & Ulcers, Osteoarthritis, Acupuncture, Rehabilitation therapy.
Joint & soft tissue injuries. Laser therapy is a revolutionary new approach to control pain and accelerate soft tissue healing, most effective therapy to treat drug free, reduce need for surgery. The laser light quantum entering into the human blood could enhance the activity of lipoprotein lipase, improve the oxygen. Carrying capacity and the deformability of red blood cells, thus activating and cleaning the blood, reducing the blood fat and viscosity. Enhance the Enkephalin metabolism, speed up the endorphin release, the light quantum entering into the human blood through.Human skin could activate or induce T, B lymphocytes and macrophagocytes to produce cytokines enhance the immune power. Through the recirculation of leukomonocytes, strengthen the phagocytic activity of macrophagocytes, n order to diminish inflammation. Increasing the blood circulation, enhance the metabolism of circulating materials, and improve the cerebrovascular blood-supply capacity. Accelerate the growth of granulation tissues and new blood vessel, stimulate the protein synthesis, repair damaged cells & tissues.
And promote rapid wound healing. Laser output power: 5mW for 650nm laser 180mW for 808nm laser.Probe A: 11 laser beams are 650nm red laser: 4 laser beams are 808nm invisible laser output power: 775mW. Probe B: 808nm invisible laser beam, output power: 180mW. Aluminum + Stainless Steel + Plastic. Probe A: eleven 650nm laser beams; four 808nm laser beam; One 808nm wavelength laser beam, 180mW. Probe B: one 808nm laser bea; Eleven 650nm wavelength laser beams Four 808nm wavelength laser beams, total output is 775mW.
Metal materials, double circuit arrange. Adjustable power, humanized programming, and emergency button. The internal circuit is made of metal for ensuring the stable thermal power output and stable operation. Perfect combination of medical laser 808nm and home laser 650nm. Security and stability of home laser as well as the exact effect of medical laser.
Available from 5mW to 755mW power output and can be used while still plugged. Creative systemic treatment mode of large surface exposure, nasal exposure and acupuncture point exposure to irradiation. A laser stabilizer specially added to perform with more stability.
High quality imported laser head, which has the long life-span. Very stylish design, small in size, easy to carry and operate. 1 The treatment process is painless, non-invasive, no trauma, green and safe. 2 Small in size, break through the characteristic of traditional technology products in bulky size.
3 A, B double sided LCD, clear and intuitive in operator interface, easy to operate. 5 The instrument handle is designed with hollow, easy to grasp, flexible in controlling. 6 The streamlined appearance and metallic probes.